When Trevor Roberts, a past life regression therapist, hypnotises loveable but troubled Neil Clarke, a Fireman from Stoke on Trent, Neil recounts a heartbreaking tale of a landowner named Hawksworth living in 19th Century Derbyshire who loses his wife, his money and eventually his freedom. Neil likes to think of himself as a sane logical person who usually treats this sort of thing with scepticism. But the uncomfortable emotions he feels as a result of this experience drive him to gather all the facts he gave under hypnosis and he goes on a journey to find out if Hawksworth really existed.
However his wife Victoria thinks the explanation for this detailed story of loss may be closer to home. Neil lost his mum when he was 15 – and never really dealt with her death. This is a story that asks what mysteries lie within our subconscious – and what answers could we find there?
A Century Films production for Channel 4
Assistant ProducerGayl PatersonEditorBrian WelshExecutive ProducerLiesel EvansProduced, Filmed and Directed byPinny Grylls